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National Geographic – Hrvatska astrofotografija

Hrvatska astrofotografija u časopisu National Geographic

2017. godine sam zadnju plaću tadašnjeg posla potrošio na svoj prvi DSLR (početnički Nikon D3300, još ga koristim) i počeo se ozbiljno baviti fotografijom. Odbio sam ponudu za drugi posao i u potpunosti se posvetio projektu Odiseja Brač – More Zvijezda. To ljeto napravio sam radove, moje prve astrofotografije, koje će već godinu dana kasnije, glavni urednici prestižnog časopisa National Geographic iz Washingtona pohvaliti i objaviti kao najbolju priču izdanja za mjesec studeni 2018.
Usudio bih se reći da je to trenutno najznačajnija promocija astrofotografije samostalnog i nezavisnog astrofotografa u Hrvatskoj dosad. Krajolik i baština otoka Brača je predstavljena na dosad neviđeni način, pod zvjezdanim tamnim nebom, a podigla se i svijest o problemu svjetlosnog onečišćenja. Za mene je svakako bio i ostao najponosniji trenutak u fotografskoj karijeri.
Nažalost, od 2023. godine ga više nema na kioscima. Drago mi je da sam ipak uspio biti dio te priče i na stranice ovog legendarnog popularnoznanstvenog časopisa doveo otok Brač i to pejzažne astrofotografije: crkva sv. Mikule (Selca), most cara Franje Josipa (Ložišća), mauzolej obitelji Petrinović (Supetar), svjetionik sv. Nikola (Pučišća), reljef Herkulesa u Rasohama (Splitska), Koloč (Nerežišća), Vidova gora te crkvica sv Jadro (Škrip).

Croatian astrophotography in National Geographic Magazine

In 2017, I spent the last salary from my job at the time on my first DSLR (a beginner’s Nikon D3300, I still use it) and started taking photography seriously. I turned down the offer for another job and dedicated myself completely to the Odyssey Brač – Sea of Stars project. That summer, I created works, my very first astrophotographs, that only a year later, the editors-in-chief of the prestigious National Geographic magazine from Washington would praise and publish as the best story of that edition for the month of November.

I would dare to say that it is currently the most significant promotion of astrophotography by an independent astrophotographer in Croatia so far, and the landscape and heritage of the island of Brač is presented in an never before seen way, under a starry dark sky. For me, it was and remains the proudest moment in my photography career.

Unfortunately, as of 2023, it is no longer on newsstands. I am glad that I managed to be a part of that story and brought the island of Brač and landscape astrophotography to the pages of this legendary popular science magazine: the church of St. Mikule (Selca), Emperor Franjo Josip bridge (Ložišća), Petrinović family mausoleum (Supetar), lighthouse of St. Nikola (Pučišća), the relief of Hercules in Rasoham (Splitska), Koloč (Nerežišća), Vidova gora and the small church of St. Jadro (Škrip).


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